水水照過來!! 你會說這些化妝品的英文嗎?? (Part 1)

不知道是不是只有我自己這麼覺得,還是大家也發現現在化妝的年齡層一直在下降? 背著國高中書包、著各間學校制服的學生,粉擦得也是比厚的、頭髮抓的比天高,不過,這也是每個時代的文化吧~
別等到出國購買化妝品,才一個一個慢慢查單字了!! 趕快來學學這些英文單字吧!!!

如果特別去查保養,字典一定會給 ''maintenance'' ,但是講 ''maintenance'' 就好笑了,又不是機器定期保養。
在這裡的保養叫做 skin care,如果想要特別說保濕,則為moisturize。
My skin gets dehydrated (脫水的、乾燥的) in the airplane cabin. 我在機艙裡肌膚會很乾。
I should apply (擦上、塗抹) facial cream to moisturize my skin before it cracks itself. 我應該要在皮膚乾裂前,趕快擦乳液來保濕。

primer (n) 妝前乳
First you need primer to smooth out your skin , so that it'd be easier to apply foundation later on. 首先,你需要妝前乳讓你的臉部肌膚更平滑,這樣一來,之後上的粉底也比較好上均勻。
You might need to include eyelids to premier area if you'd like to wear eye shadow because your eyelids are very likely to get greasy at the end of the day, which would have your eye shadow come off easily. 你也許會需要也在眼皮區域上妝前乳,尤其是如果之後要畫眼影的話。因為一整天下來,眼皮區域較容易出油,眼影也就容易脫妝了。
foundation (n) 基礎、基底、粉底
After primer, you may put on foundation of your own skin color. 上完妝前乳後,就可以開始上適合自己膚色的粉底了。
Remember, foundation color that is too bright or to dark for your skin color is never what you'd like. You wouldn't want to look like a geisha, would you? 記得粉底顏色太白或太深都不好,你不會想要看起來像日本藝妓對吧?
concealer (n) 遮掩、隱藏、遮瑕膏/液
Concealer is more optional here if you have no acne. red spots, freckles or dark circles under your eyes to cover up. 如果你的皮膚超好,都沒有痘痘、紅疤、雀斑或是黑眼圈需要遮蓋,遮瑕膏/液對可能對你來說就可有可無了。
Or you simply don't mind showing. LOL... 還是其實你純粹只是不在乎他們露出來哈哈哈......
brozer (n) 修容
Bonzer not only warms up your face in case you have a rather pale face due to the foundation earlier, but also adds more definition around areas as forehead, cheekbones, cheeks and jawlines. 修容不只能夠讓臉部整體看起來不會太蒼白,尤其是上完粉底後,修容還可以讓臉部特定部位,像是額頭、顴骨、雙頰和下顎輪廓看起來更立體喔!
blush (v) 臉紅 (n) 腮紅
Just right portion of blush lights up your face with enough liveliness!
To be continued...