水水照過來!!你會說這些化妝品的英文嗎?? (Part 2)

Moving on to next step, let's get to your eyebrows. 接著來畫眉毛囉!
There are different products on the market for your eyebrows to look thicker and in a preferred shape, such as brow pens, brow gel, brow power, etc. 市面上有許多不同讓眉毛看起來更濃更有型的產品,好比說眉筆、眉膠、眉粉等等。

Eye shadow 眼影
Eye shadow is rather a tricky part and a good test for your patience.
Here's a tip ------ never rush putting on the colors!
上眼影的小撇步: 絕不要急著一下子就把眼影上完!
Try to build your shades gradually. Tap off the excess of eye shadow on your brush to avoid ending up with messy shades on the lids.
Eyeliner 眼線
As for eyeliner, there are as well different products for eyeliner, eyeliner pencil and liquid eyeliner for example. 至於眼線的話,市面上也有很多不同的眼線產品,像是(硬)眼線筆和眼線液筆。
Eyeliner puts emphasis on your eyes. What shape you adopt for your eyeliner determines how rounded or elongated your eyes would wind up looking like. 畫眼線可以讓眼睛看起來更有神,想要眼睛看起來的形狀是圓圓大眼還是犀利細長,取決於不同眼線的流線形狀。
And DON'T BLINK YET before your eyeliner dries out if you're using a liquid eyeliner! It'd stain on your eye lids and ruin the eye shadow you take so long to build. 還有,在眼線液筆乾之前,絕對不要眨眼,不然眼線液會沾到眼皮,剛才好不容畫好的眼影就毀了!

Mascara 睫毛膏
Highlight 打亮
You may want to brush a bit of sheen on your cheekbones to look more fancy! Also, highlighting the very tips of your eyes lightens your eyes along with the mascara.
你會想要刷一點亮粉在顴骨的地方,看起來更夢幻喔! 而且,在眼頭附近打亮會提亮眼睛,更顯睫毛膏的效果喔!

Lipstick 口紅
When it comes to lip products, there are just tons! TONS!! You might find yourself lost in the lipstick section in drug stores. 說到口紅的化妝產品,就有一大堆 !! 你還有可能在藥妝店裡口紅區迷路勒......
Lip balm 護唇膏
Lipstick 唇膏
Liquid lipstick 液態唇膏
Lip gloss 唇蜜
Lip liner 唇線
最後,再上點setting powder 蜜粉來定妝,就大功告成囉!